Leveraging Topic Clustering for Smarter Keyword Targeting

Many SEOs take a scattered approach to keyword targeting, optimizing for disparate terms without a cohesive strategy. This leads to fragmented efforts and inconsistent rankings. A better approach is to use topic clustering to group semantically related keywords together. By organizing keywords into clusters around high-level topics and sub-topics, you can target more efficiently and

Google’s Top Searches in 2020

Google says people asked “Why” in searches more than ever before. They also asked “What day is it?” a lot. Overall, here are the top five searches in 2020 in the US. Election results Coronavirus Kobe Bryant Coronavirus update Coronavirus symptoms Globally, results were similar: Coronavirus Election results Kobe Bryant Zoom IPL Top searches in

Two-Thirds of Links on Twitter are Done by Bots

Call it the attack of the bots.  The majority of tweets linking to the most popular websites are not handled by human beings, but bots that post content without human involvement.  That’s the findings of a Pew Research Center random sampling of 1.2 million tweets last year to answer this question: “What proportion of tweeted

Data Privacy: What Defines “Personal Information”

Weeks before new privacy rules go into effect, California AG is asking for significant changes to CCPA California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra has proposed revisions to the regulations implementing the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The law itself went into effect on January 1, 2020 with an enforcement deadline of July 1st. As in any piece

Report: Fake Accounts and Bots are Proliferating Online; Social Media Companies Aren’t Stopping Them

Let’s say you were able to positively identify more than 15,000 fake social media accounts.  You reported a significant number of them to social media platforms as fake.  Nearly a month later, who many do you think would still be on the platform? If you said 95% of the fake accounts were remaining online, you’d

A Game-Changer for Internet Privacy

You’ve probably never heard of it, but a new protocol called DOH could be a game-changer for online privacy. DOH stands for DNS-over-HTTPS. It would encrypt DNS traffic within your browser and hide requests and responses. When you enter a website’s URL into a web browser, it’s sent to the internet as a DNS request.

For Online Reviews, Recency Matters

Online reviews matter.  92% of consumers say they look at reviews.  68% say positive reviews increase their trust. In addition to looking for positive reviews, we now know that consumers also value recent reviews in far greater numbers.  85% of those surveyed say that reviews dated more than three months old are no longer relevant.

How Much of the Internet is Fake?

Seriously.  If you haven’t read Max Reed’s article “How Much of the Internet Is Fake? Turns Out, a Lot of It, Actually” yet, stop what you’re doing and do it right now. Here are just a few of the gems Reed lays out: How much of the internet is fake? Studies generally suggest that, year