Which Companies Have the Most Personal Data about You?

The folks at Clario have put together a fascinating chart that breaks down which online platforms and brands collect the most data and what they know about us. I thought it was worth sharing. Facebook and Instagram top the list (no surprise). We all do it – click ‘accept’ on a cookie pop-up without reading

Report: Fake Accounts and Bots are Proliferating Online; Social Media Companies Aren’t Stopping Them

Let’s say you were able to positively identify more than 15,000 fake social media accounts.  You reported a significant number of them to social media platforms as fake.  Nearly a month later, who many do you think would still be on the platform? If you said 95% of the fake accounts were remaining online, you’d

Amid Privacy Issues, Facebook Promises Privacy Will Be the Foundation for the Future

“I understand that many people don’t think Facebook can or would even want to build this kind of privacy-focused platform — because frankly we don’t currently have a strong reputation for building privacy protective services and we’ve historically focused on tools for more open sharing,” wrote Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.  “But we’ve repeatedly shown that