What is the World’s Largest Advertiser Doing Right Now?

Procter & Gamble is generally considered the world’s largest advertiser.  They are certainly TV’s largest advertiser and it’s where they spend the bulk of their money.  P&G spent more than $100 million in TV, digital, and print last year. You would think if anyone could afford to take a little time off with the advertising it

Take Control of Your Brand Conversation or Someone Else Will

Not surprisingly, when you don’t control the conversation, it happens without you.  Brands that stop advertising and sending positive messages are seeing huge drops in brand sentiment because they only thing people hear about you is nothing or negative.  Those that continued to market saw a drop (people are thinking about other things these days),

“Belief-Driven Buyers” Are Playing a Bigger Role in Brand Trust

Why do customers trust brands? The top reasons are all about product or service quality, according to the latest edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer. It delivers good quality products or services The brand gets good ratings and reviews It charges a fair price It has always treated me and others well Farther down the