Twitter adds Communities (Similar to Facebook Groups)

Taking on Facebook Groups and Reddit threads, Twitter has announced Communities.

Now in testing, Twitter is adding communities based around content themes. “Imagine an alternative timeline where everyone just gets you…” Twitter posted in making the announcement.

Twitter showed examples including:

  • Plant lovers
  • Black women photographers
  • Sneakerheads
  • Crypto
  • Skincare
  • Traveling solo

It will take some time to build out the groups as communities emerge. Eventually, Twitter says users will be able to build their own communities.

If you want to see communities in action, here are two that are live already are:

As we’ve seen with Facebook Groups, communities can either build slowly, stagnate, or take off fast. Climate and Weather currently only has 89 members despite being the showpiece for Communities. It will be interesting to check back in a month and see if the concept takes off.