On-Page SEO Factors Google Really Cares About in 2023

As we move into 2023, Google’s algorithm continues to evolve, so it’s important to focus on the on-page factors that their quality raters and bots analyze most closely when evaluating pages.

Optimize Title Tags for Higher Click-Through Rates

One of the most important page elements to optimize is your title tag. The title is displayed as the clickable headline for your site in search results, so it has a big influence on click-through rates. You’ll want to keep titles under 60 characters so they don’t get cut off in SERPs.

Include your most important keyword phrase close to the beginning of the title, while ensuring it’s compelling and focused on targeting searcher intent. This will help entice clicks while also signaling to Google the topic of your page. It’s also important to make sure each page of your site has a unique, relevant title tag.

Here are some additional tips for optimizing title tags:

  • Research keywords your target audience may be searching for and fit them naturally into titles. Look at search trends and volume to identify opportunities.
  • Try different formats like using numbers, questions, or imperative verbs to make titles more eye-catching. For example: “10 Tips for Better SEO” or “How to Improve Your Local Rankings”.
  • Test titles with different keyword placements, length and formats. Use Google Search Console or analytics to see which titles drive more clicks.
  • For pages targeting local search, include your city, state or geographic area in the title tag. This helps searches find your content.
  • Avoid excessive repetition of keywords in titles. Use them naturally just once or twice. Too much repetition looks spammy.
  • Write titles focused on the information the page will provide, not just to rank keywords. Offer clear value to searchers.
  • Use tools like Yoast SEO or Moz Bar to test title length and preview how your titles will appear in SERPs.
  • Update old, underperforming title tags. Refresh them with better keywords and compelling messaging.
  • For global sites, research keywords in multiple languages and optimize international title tags accordingly.

Use Headers to Help Bots Understand Content Structure

Another key element is your header tags. Proper header tagging with H1, H2 and H3 tags helps search bots understand your content structure and topics. Use your target primary keyword in the H1 header when it fits contextually within your page content. Then, break up content by nesting H2 and H3 headers using other relevant long-tail keywords.

Don’t over-optimize headers by cramming in keywords that seem spammy or don’t flow naturally. Focus first on headers that make sense for users, while working in keywords.

Additional tips include:

  • Only use one H1 header per page. This helps establish the main topic and focus.
  • Break up long sections of content with H2 and H3 subheaders every 2-4 paragraphs. This improves readability.
  • Use nested heading structures like H2 > H3 > H4 to divide content into logical sections. Don’t skip levels.
  • Include keywords in headers when relevant, but write for users first. Headers should clearly convey topics.
  • Avoid using headers only for formatting text. Use them to structure content for SEO.
  • Review your page hierarchy in Google Search Console for header warnings. Fix any errors.
  • Analyze competitors’ header structures and emulate ones that seem well-optimized.
  • For large sites, use site search data to see which headers users engage with most.
  • Header length matters too – keep them under 60 characters for the best SEO value.
  • Update outdated headers that are no longer relevant or don’t include keywords.
  • Test using questions or numbers in H2/H3 headers to make them more scannable.

Optimize Image File Names and Alt Text

You’ll also want to optimize images on each page with descriptive file names and alt text. Use your target terms within image file names, like “keyword-image-name.jpg.”

Write detailed alt text that summarizes an image’s content, incorporating keywords where relevant. Include alt text on all images, don’t leave any blank. This provides Google more signals about your image content.


  • Use hyphens rather than underscores in file names for improved SEO value (e.g. “keyword-phrase-image.jpg”).
  • Resize large images to improve page load speed. Anything over 1MB should be compressed.
  • When naming files, include modifiers like location, color, size, etc. to add more context.
  • Alt text should be 125 characters or less. Anything longer may get cut off in SERPs.
  • Avoid using generic alt text like “photo” or “image”. Make it descriptive.
  • Include primary keywords in alt text near the beginning for priority. Have it flow naturally.
  • For infographics, describe the main elements and data being conveyed in the alt text.
  • Place important images higher in your content for more visibility to bots.
  • Delete or update old, irrelevant images that may have poor file names and alt text.
  • Use Google Lens or image SEO tools to generate smart metadata and alt text.
  • Have alt text summarize an image’s purpose on the page, not just describe it.

Craft Meta Descriptions to Improve CTR

Meta descriptions present another opportunity to improve CTR. These short summaries of page content are shown in SERPs, so optimized descriptions can improve click-through rates. Craft meta descriptions under 155 characters that work in primary and secondary keywords fluidly within compelling, natural-sounding summaries. Your goal is to catch the searcher’s eye while working in key terms.

Think about:

  • Research keywords your target audience may use to find your content and incorporate them.
  • Write meta descriptions focused on inciting clicks rather than just jamming in keywords.
  • Use tools like Yoast SEO or Moz to preview how descriptions will appear in search.
  • Test different formats – ask a question, highlight benefits, or include numbers.
  • Update old, stale meta descriptions that are no longer relevant or compelling.
  • For location-based businesses, include your city/state to improve local SEO.
  • Make sure descriptions accurately summarize page content, don’t exaggerate or mislead.
  • Use power words that compel action like “guide” “how to” “tips” “shop” etc.
  • Avoid simply copying a section of the page content as the description. Summarize key points.
  • For e-commerce products, briefly describe the product and its unique value proposition.
  • Meta descriptions don’t directly impact rankings, but can influence click-through rates.
  • Keep descriptions concise around 120-150 characters. Google may snip longer ones.

By focusing on optimizing these important on-page elements with your target keywords in 2023, you’ll give your content the best chance to perform well in Google’s search results pages.

Further Reading: Seven Content Marketing Mistakes to Avoid