First Results: Users Overwhelmingly Opt-Out of Online Tracking

For years, many in the advertising community have maintained that consumers want targeted marketing with relevant advertising.  It appears, however, that as consumers get an increased say in how they are targeted, that idea isn’t holding up. When Apple updated its iOS operating system for iPhones and iPads, it came with an opt-in component.  That

Big Changes Coming to Digital Ad Tracking: A Cookie-less Future?

We’re in for some big changes when it comes to tracking and advertising. While government regulators are making noise about taking action against major tech companies, the industry has not-so-quietly been making a couple of key changes that could lead to a cookie-less future. Cookies are those things websites use to track you as you

Anti-Trust Hearings Against Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Google: What’s at Stake

Nearly half of Americans now believe major tech companies should face more regulation.  That was one key finding in a new survey by the Pew Research Center. The survey was released as a House Judiciary Committee is looking into tech companies.  Specifically, they are examining anti-trust concerns.  Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple were expected to

Streaming Video Services See Massive Churn in Race for Dominance

When video streaming services offer free trials, there’s a lot of interest. When the trials run out, however, the customers run away. As Christopher Palmeri reported in Bloomberg Businessweek, two-thirds of these users leave when the free trial runs out. Another 10% of all streamers ditch the service every month. The churn is massive. That’s