Forrester: AI Content Is Not Meeting B2B Buyer Needs

Laura Ramos, VP & Principal Analyst at Forrester says B2B marketers are in a wild ride in 2024.

While generative AI is playing a big role already, look for increased deployment in product launches in the coming year.

But… there’s a significant downside to AI content as well. “Thinly customized generative AI content will degrade the purchase experience for 70% of B2B buyers,” according to Ramos. In other words, more AI content but less high-quality content to help buyers make informed decisions.

“Marketing’s early experiments using generative AI will produce little more than simple vertical veneers, poorly personalized offers, or translations free of local nuance, frustrating B2B buyers already saturated in irrelevant content,” wrote Ramos.

She predicts that more than seven out of ten B2B buyers will voice displeasure about the material that vendors share. “(They) will tell us in surveys that it fails to demonstrate an understanding of their organization’s business conditions, local markets, or needs,” she said.

AI is creating some remarkable things, but when it comes to creating compelling content that provides the valuable information buyers needs and drive conversions, it’s simply not there yet.

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